3 Simple Ways Embroidered Badges Are Created

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how are embroidered badges are created

There’s something enchanting about Embroidered Badges, they’re tactile and also rather luxurious.
This popular solution for tricky to embroider apparel, is proving a firm favourite with Costume Designers working in Film Costume, Photo-shoots & TV Adverts….no wonder it’s one of the most used services that we offer.

Embroidered badges, sometimes called patches, have been around for centuries. Initially originating within the military service and on luxury garments as decoration, this versatile extra was also the poor man’s clothing saviour, with patches stitched over holes to make them last longer & more recently as fashion items to enhance deliberate holes & cuts in clothing.

There are several ways embroidered badges can be created, with variables on each, basically it comes down to 3 simple methods. What you choose to use is up to your taste, design and budget.

After you read this post, you should be fully versed in the 3 Simple Ways Embroidered Badges are Created and the reason why they are made that way.

Fully Stitched Badges

Made up completely of embroidered stitches, the badge has zero backing fabric showing.
Extremely durable and hard wearing, it works well on garments worn outside or on uniforms that take a lot of wear & tear, e.g. mechanics overalls.
Luxury garments may also suit fully stitched badges e.g. military dress uniforms, though this type of badge could involve gold work.

Fully stitched badges, cost a little extra, due to more thread being used and stitch time on the machine….however the results are well worth it.

fully stitched embroidered badge

Doctor Who – Series 10 Photoshoot
Fully stitched embroidered badge

Part Stitch Badges

If you’re about to create something HUGE, or with a lot of one colour background, then a part stitched design may well work. 

Badges that are text only, with a satin stitch border are generally part stitched.
Varying the shape of the badge can add interest to the style. So instead of just using ordinary rectangles or squares, putting the design into an oval or circle will work.

part stitched embroidered badge

Doctor Who – Series 10
Cotton twill part stitched embroidered badge


Appliqué is the technique where pieces of fabric are sewn onto backing fabrics to cover large areas to form part of the picture or pattern.
In some cases a badge is part stitched and made using an unusual coloured cotton twill, to create the illusion of the whole badge background being that colour.

applique embroidered badge

Kingsman 2 – The Golden Circle
Applique embroidered badge for crew jackets

All badges are usually finished with a satin stitch border and made up with fabric that does not fray. Dependant on the type of badge, quantity and materials used will dictate the finishing of the patch.

The trick to getting the right type of embroidered badge is to have all your information to hand.
i.e. What is the badges purpose, ready to use artwork, size of badge and finally quantities required. Armed with this information and a competent embroiderer to do the work for you, you’re well on the way to achieving great looking badges that fit the purpose for your project.

Got your concept together for you Badge Project….take a look at this post on Preparing Your Artwork for Embroidery & Print.


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3 Simple Ways Embroidered Badges Are Created